Created in 2009, IDD Design is a mix between a creative responsability and a multidisciplinary action.

In fact, in 2003, I began to discover visions / works of some colleagues (Papanek, McDonough, Kazazian, …) and good examples / approaches of useful, simple, consistent and responsible design. With a new generation of social model thinkers (Meadows, …), that’s given me the desire to increase my knowledges and try to discover the keys of an exemplary design.


In 2006, I realised an EcoPanorama. A world tour of 8 months, in 15 countries, to meet the stakeholders of this field (designers / managers / professors) and share on the tools / approaches available to do eco-conception. This journey was ended by the writing of a book, published in 2008. If you want to know more about this project, click on the picture above.

Today, my work, a part of my network and a lot of my knowledges come from this adventure. I take part as creative and trainer on wide fields because curiosity has no border. I have a passion for architecture, scenography, decoration, furniture, graphics, model making just as creative sharing and collaboration thanks to training and workshop management. I develop ideas, for myself and my clients, and help others to develop their own.


IDD Design approach is based on a classical design process but integrate one step more, data collection and sLCA (simplified Life Cycle Analysis). That permits to set up the sustainable development principles upstream of a project and to minimize, or cancel, futur impacts.

There are different sLCA tools according to the projects and the quantity of datas collected. All are adapted to design, meaning fast and creatively oriented. From Lines of Inspiration (IDD Design) to adapted software (Ecodesign Pilot, Bilan Produit, Eco-Indicator, …) including EDSW (EcoDesign Strategy Wheel) and the Environmental Checklist .


My hope is to support, by our action and projects, the establishment of a circular economy, to participe to a social and economic alternative vision valuing collaboration, local and open source in that era of common.

“Feed the good wolf in us”