
The Lab is a space dedicated to share informations on tools/methods to practise ecodesign (videos, posts, …) and other creative nourishing elements. Feel free to comment…

Approaches / Methods to ecodesign :

Ecodesign : a promising approach to sustainable production and consumption (UNEP)
Cradle to Cradle (Mc Donough & Braungart)
EcoFaire (Evea & SEM Pays de la Loire region)
ISO 14062

sLCA tools (simplified Life Cycle Analysis) :

ECO-It via ECO-Indicator simplified version of Simapro (Pré Consultants)
Bilan Produit (ADEME)
Ecodesign Pilot (TU Wien & Ademe)
Greenfly (RMIT University)

Tools for responsible creation :

EDSW : EcoDesign Strategy Wheel (TU Delft)
EcoDesign Checklist (TU Delft)
– Lines of Inspiration : Trend boards directing creation (IDD Design)

Material libraries :

IdeMat (TU Delft)
Rematerialise (Kingston University)
Design inSite

Trends / Informations :

Information Inspiration (Loughborough University)
Eco Sustainable Hub
ESP Design
Sustainable Design Portal
Design 4 Sustainability

Eco-labelling :

Ecolabel Européen (European Union)
Label NF Environnement (AFNOR)

Assisting players :

Agence De l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie (ADEME)
Ministère de l’Ecologie, du Développement Durable, et de l’Energie (MEDDE)
Association Pour l’Eco-Design et l’Economie Circulaire (APEDEC)
Pôle éco-conception
Observatoire de l’EcoDesign

Exhibitions / Events :

Journées Annuelles Développement Durable et Entreprises (JADDE)

Key factors for a successful ecodesign approach :

– Qualitative & quantitative analysis (Taking time necessary)
– Open-mindedness / No bias
– Duty to refrain
– Duty of proposition
– Communication
– Think local

Good use…

IDD Tools

Here the tools used by IDD to practise Ecodesign. Each works with different quantity of data collection and timing. From the most creative to the most technical, and from the fastest to the deepest. It depends of the projects and the client needs.

Inspiration Axis : Creativity +++ / Speed +++ / Depth 0axe4

Inspiration Cards : Creativity +++ / Speed ++ / Depth 0carte3

EDSW (EcoDesign Strategy Wheel) : Creativity ++ / Speed ++ / Depth +cvp

Environmental Checklist : Creativity + / Speed + / Depth ++checklist

sLCA (like EcoDesign Pilot or Bilan Produit) : Creativity + / Speed 0 / Depth +++bilan_produitecodesign_pilot